Town of Paradise Valley
Action Report
TO: Chair and Planning Commission
FROM: Eva Cutro, Community Development Director
Paul Michaud, Senior Planner
George Burton, Planner
DATE: May 1, 2018
Staff Contact
George Burton, 480-348-3525
Finisterre Subdivision Wall (MI-18-02) - Public Meeting
6440 N 61st Place (Assessor's Parcel Number 169-39-125)
It is recommended that the Planning Commission forward to the Town Council approval of the modified subdivision wall heights, subject to the following stipulations:
1. The wall improvements shall be in substantial compliance with the following:
a. The narrative, prepared by the Finisterre Home Owner's Association (HOA);
b. The site plans, prepared by the Finisterre HOA; and
c. The exterior wall elevations/details, prepared by the Finisterre HOA.
2. The exterior of the wall must be finished and painted to match the existing wall.
3. Any exterior landscaping destroyed or removed during the construction of the wall improvement must be replaced with a similar plant or similar vegetation.
The applicant, Finisterre Home Owner's Association (HOA), is requesting to raise the height of the existing subdivision wall on nine properties.
The Finisterre subdivision and subdivision wall were approved in 1977. The subdivision wall is located at the property line of the perimeter lots and was originally approved with a varying wall height of 4'6" tall to 6' tall.
In conjunction with the Lincoln Drive Sidewalk Project in 2005, the Town allowed Finisterre to raise the height of the subdivision wall adjoining Lincoln Drive (from 6' tall to 8' tall with a 2' berm on the bottom of the fence). However, only three of the western properties adjoining Lincoln Drive decided to raise the height of their portion of the subdivision wall.
General Plan:
The modified wall height is compliant with...
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